Monday, July 6, 2009

speak up! (day 1)

Now-a-days we Christians are all to chicken to have our voices heard.

But why? What do we have to fear?

"If these (His followers) are quiet the rocks will cry out" (luke 19:40)

If we're too scared to raise our voices how do we expect to get our 'job' done? If we don't make our voices heard, who will speak? The rocks?

That seems utterly ridiculous that we're too chicken to open our mouths, that in order for us to be heard; it would take the rocks speaking?

That almost like saying 'We will speak when pigs fly.'

Jesus commissioned us to "go make disciples of all the nations." to go tell the world about Him! That's our 'job'. Can we do that if we are as quiet as though we've zipped our lips shut and hidden away the key? That's like the light under the bowl. Are we going to hide that away too?

If someone asks you 'Are you a Christian?' do you answer, 'Yes, but...' or 'Sort of.' do you hide and shut your mouth and refuse to speak?

Or do you make your voice heard and truthfully respond 'Yes.' and smile?
Then we answer any questions that come our way, or think 'Now, its time to hide.' and seek 'shelter' under the same bowl that we hid our candle under?

There is no gray when it comes to this.

Speak up! The world can't hear us over everything else!

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